Chunqing Lin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor-in-Residence,
Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, UCLA
CHIPTS Methods Core Scientist
Tuesday, June 13, 2pm – 3pm
Interventions that have demonstrated efficacy in randomized controlled trials have been underutilized in healthcare delivery. Dissemination and implementation research seeks to understand and promote adoption and implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBI) in real-world healthcare settings. I will present two studies to illustrate the application of multidisciplinary approaches in dissemination and implementation research. The first study used conjoint analysis, a marketing research technique, to model hospital stakeholders’ decision making in adoption of an EBI. The second study identified the implementation issues and improvement strategies in the delivery of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services for migrant women in China through a process examination exercise.
The CHIPTS’ Methods Core hosts a monthly seminar series, which are one-hour workshops on research and statistical methods. The seminars are open to HIV researchers, faculty, students, and community. To see previous seminars, check out the Methods Seminar tag or you can find seminar videos on our Youtube Channel! This series is hosted by the Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) and made possible by funds from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH058107).