Syndemic Structural and Drug Use Factors Contributing to Marginalization, HIV , HIV Transmission and Viral Load Among mSTUDY Participants
Brendan Quinn, PhD
Fullbright Scholar
Visiting Research Fellow, UCLA
Research Fellow, Behavior & Health Risks Program, Bunet Institute, Australia
Thursday, June 29, 2017
2:30pm to 3:30pm
This presentation will discuss a longitudinal data analysis examining the impacts a longitudinal data analysis examining the impacts of four structural conditions (unemployment, incarceration, contact with healthcare providers, and unstable accommodations) on self -reported sexual HIV transmission risk behaviors and viral load among mSTUDY participants. The mSTUDY is a 5-year cooperative agreement (U01 DA036267) to establish a cohort of men who have sex with men (MSM) of color to investigate interactions between non-injection use of methamphetamine, cocaine, opiates and binge drinking and HIV transmission dynamics.
This event was made possible by funds from the Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (NIMH grant MH058107).
For copies of the presentation slides, please contact Dr. Brendan Quinn at