September 13, 2018 – Dr. Ron Brooks, Omar Nieto, and Amanda Landrian Gonzalez
presented “NUMBERS and VOICES: A Profile of PrEP among Latino MSM in Los Angeles County” at this month’s HIV Research and Community Colloquia series at the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV meeting. The presentation used both quantitative and qualitative data to provide a profile of PrEP-related issues among Latino men who have sex with men (MSM) in Los Angeles County. The presentation looked at both Latino MSM non PrEP users and PrEP users.

For non-PrEP users, they expounded on the demographic and behavioral predictors of awareness, accessibility, and acceptability of PrEP among Latino MSM. For PrEP users, and explored the lived experiences of Latino MSM who are using PrEP, including motivations for initiating PrEP, challenges in accessing PrEP, and experiences with PrEP stigma. Based on the findings from the two studies, they provided recommendations of how service providers, health departments, and other community stakeholders may help optimize uptake of and persistent use of PrEP among Latino MSM.
The full presentation is available on Youtube and below and the you can download the presentation slides as well.
Numbers and Voices: A Profile of PrEP among Latino MSM in Los Angeles County - SlidesCHIPTS hosts a monthly HIV Research and Community Colloquia Series in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV to highlight current issues and conversations surrounding HIV. Click here for past lectures and check out the events page for more information on future Colloquia presentations!