July 12, 2018 – Dr. Cathy Reback presented at this month’s Research and Community Colloquia series at the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV meeting. She discussed the results from two studies of transgender women in Los Angeles County using the same methodology and survey assessment, comparing structural determinants of health, HIV/STI prevalence, HIV risk behaviors, substance use, gender confirmation procedures, and perceived discrimination and harassment/abuse across a 17-year time period. These findings elucidate specific areas of transgender women’s health and risk profiles that improved or worsened across this time period. While healthcare access has improved, transgender women continue to face significant barriers to good health, indicating the need for increased attention to this population.
The full presentation video and the presentation slides are available below!
Colloquium Health Disparities: LA County Commission on HIV - SlidesCHIPTS hosts a monthly HIV Research and Community Colloquia Series in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV to highlight current issues and conversations surrounding HIV. Click here for past lectures and check out the events page for more information on future Colloquia presentations!