For more information about our SAB members, please click here.
About the CHIPTS Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is comprised of 11 members who are international experts from various institutions and from multiple disciplines. The board members are leaders in their respective fields and have expertise related to CHIPTS key scientific themes (e.g., biomedical and technological advances in HIV prevention, adaptation and adoption of effective interventions, disparities and key populations, medical treatment development, infectious diseases, mental health).
SAB Responsibilities
The SAB is responsible for providing guidance to the Senior Leadership Team regarding the direction of CHIPTS’ scientific agenda. The board members review and comment on the scientific effectiveness of the overall Center’s program, as well as provide feedback on CHIPTS progress in promoting science, networking and capacity building across the Cores. All members are required to serve a minimum of three years, with opportunities to renew.
- The SAB meets on annual basis by teleconference or in-person.
- An agenda is prepared by the Senior Leadership Team and shared with members in advance of each meeting.
- Members are encouraged to propose agenda items to the Executive Director and may do so up to a week in advance of a meeting.