Violence and Coercion among Sex Workers in India: Gender Differences and PrEP Implications – Slides

We examined the relationship between violence/coercion and PrEP acceptability among cisgender female sex workers and transgender sex workers in urban West Bengal, India. We found very high rates of violence and coercion among participants, particularly among transgender sex workers. We also found that the relationship between coercion/violence and PrEP willingness was conditional on gender.

HIV and hepatitis C virus infection and co-infection among trans women in San Francisco, 2020 – Slides

Presentation by Izzy Chiu that highlights how Trans women experience a high burden of HIV and are at high risk for hepatitis C virus (HCV). The interaction between these two diseases and the behavioral risks for HIV/HCV co-infection among trans women are understudied. The presentation shares the results of an analysis of HIV and HCV serological and behavioral data collected among trans women in San Francisco from 2019 to 2020 as part of the CDC’s first National HIV Behavioral Surveillance survey for trans women.

Implementing a Community-Engaged Equity Approach to Identify Barriers and Facilitators to the PrEP Care Continuum in Long Beach, CA – Slides

Presentation featuring Laura Hoyt D’Anna and Everardo Alvizo that describes their study aims to address the HIV epidemic by improving PrEP linkage, uptake, and retention among Black and Latinx same-gender loving men, transgender women, and other gender-diverse persons in Long Beach, CA. This is a mixed methods study designed to explore barriers and facilitators to engagement along the PrEP care continuum from the viewpoints of community members and current and potential PrEP providers. Findings will inform the following: 1) the Long Beach HIV/STI Strategic Plan, 2) a culturally appropriate PrEP readiness and facilitation tool, and 3) intervention opportunities to be studied in future research.

The State of LGBT Health Care Access In Orange County: Health Care and Mental Health Experiences and Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Populations in Orange County – Slides

Oral presentation by Austin Nation at the CHIPTS Next Generation Conference that describes how LGBT individuals experience significant health disparities and discusses the importance of examining health care and mental health care experiences of LGBT community and identify gaps. The presentation highlights the ongoing quantitative cross-sectional study utilizing survey data.

Justice Unites our Trans Women and Police Officers Toward Health (TOGETHER) – Slides

Oral presentation by Joanna L. Barreras that discusses HIV-related inequities affecting Latinx communities, especially Latina transgender women (LTGW), the experiences they face are related to violence, stigma, and discrimination, which may lead to increased HIV risk behaviors. The presentation describes proposed intervention that relate to linking LTGW to resources through law enforcement and create spaces for positive interactions between LTGW + LAPD, to build trust.

Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender Women, Black and Latina Cisgender Women, and Persons Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles County – Summary Report

This report summarizes the preliminary findings and next steps emerging from the “Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender Women, Black and Latina Cisgender Women, and Persons Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles County” community consultation. The report includes a description of the study procedures, preliminary results, and recommendations for future implementation.