This policy brief describes the criminalization of commercial sex trade and regulatory frameworks seeking to regulate it differ across the globe. These efforts are described into four models of criminalization and regulation which include criminalize sex trade, criminalize clients (also known as the Nordic or End Demand model), regulate sex trade, and decriminalize sex trade.
The WHO is developing guidelines for evidence-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of HIV and other STIs in low- and middle-income countries. As a global partner to the WHO in this process, the Global Network of Sex Work Projects oversaw a civil society consultation of sex workers commissioned by the WHO to gather feedback on proposed guidelines. This report contains the findings from that consultation and was submitted to the WHO.
Logic model representing Durbar intervention component development and targeted outcomes, this includes components from the Empowerment Outcome Domains & Measures in Replication Study.
These questions have been labeled under multiple problem behaviors (i.e., sex trade) within the Center for Community Health (CCH). These questions have been used as covariates or predictors in analyses that investigate problem behaviors of adolescents at risk for HIV.