Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender Women, Black and Latina Cisgender Women, and Persons Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles County – Summary Report

This report summarizes the preliminary findings and next steps emerging from the “Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender Women, Black and Latina Cisgender Women, and Persons Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles County” community consultation. The report includes a description of the study procedures, preliminary results, and recommendations for future implementation.

Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender and Cisgender Women, and Persons who Inject Drugs in LA County – Slides

The purpose of this conference is to Introduce attendees to the variety of mobile technology products available to support PrEP delivery and maintenance. Conduct breakout sessions to explore how community-based organizations, clinics and other agencies might implement digital technologies (e.g., mobile applications, telehealth, text messaging services) to support PrEP uptake and maintenance among high-risk populations in LA County

Incorporating dating application strategies to recruit youth at risk or youth living with HIV (ATN CARES Project) – Slides

Poster presentation by Carla Del Cid, Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences that provides an overview of HIV among youth, a significant and increasing problem. The poster presentation describes how more than half of adolescent MSM report having condomless sex in the past 12 months and one-third of MSM use gay dating applications to meet sexual partners. Internet sex-seekers have more frequent anal intercourse, more previously diagnosed sexual transmitted infections, and are twice as more likely to engage sexual encounters without a condom.

What’s missing? Investigating the gaps between PrEP knowledge, eligibility, and utilization among at-risk youth – Slides

Poster presentation by Benjamin Jones, Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences that examines the effectiveness of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in preventing HIV infection when used as prescribed; however, PrEP uptake among high-risk youth has been suboptimal. The presentation discusses the many public health interventions have focused on raising awareness of PrEP, particularly among high-risk groups, including youth at risk for HIV

Numbers and Voices: A Profile of PrEP among Latino MSM in Los Angeles County – Slides

Oral presentation by Ronald Brooks at the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV September 13, 2018 that shares findings from a sub-study done with Latino MSM non-PrEP users who were participants in “Project Protect Yourself/Proyecto Protégete,” a study that assessed the use of gay-oriented social/sexual networking apps to identify and link Latino MSM to HIV testing, prevention and medical services.