Oral presentation by Steve Shoptaw, UCLA CHIPTS at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation discusses the functions of meth in MSM and describes the MStudy which finds that meth Increases depression symptoms in Both HIV+ and HIV- MSM. Additionally, the presentation describes the impact of contingency management (CM) in boosting nPEP outcomes in at-risk stimulant using MSM.
Oral presentation by Lello Tesema, Substance Abuse Prevention and Control at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation provides epidemiological data in relation to methamphetamine seizures, overdose-related deaths, and fatal crashes. Additionally, the presentation discusses meth-related hospitalizations and ED visits in LAC and client characteristics of methamphetamine admissions.
Oral presentaion by Cathy J. Reback, Friends Research Institute, Inc at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation provides an overview on an ongoing study that tracks methamphetamine use and other substance use trends among MSM who have used a substance. The presentation discusses the intervention model which includes establishing trust and build rapport and introducing risk reduction strategies.
Oral presentation by Siddharth Raich, Center for Health Justice that discusses information retention barriers which include mental health challenges, literacy issues, language barriers that impact inmates and juveniles’ awareness and understanding of co-infections of HIV and STIs, unsafe sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and of anti-retroviral treatments.
Oral presentation by Michael J. Li, UCLA CHIPTS that discusses MCC patients’ trajectories of VS from 12-months prior to MCC enrollment to 36 months following MCC enrollment, these trajectories differed by stimulant use housing instability, and depressive symptom severity as reported by participants at MCC enrollment.
Drew Wood-Palmer STD/STI presentation at HIV Next Generation Conference 2019
This report highlights key findings, drug use patterns and trends across methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin, prescription drugs/opioids, and other synthetic drugs using the National Drug Early Warning System.