Innovations to Serve Hardly Reached Communities – Slides

EHE Regional Learning Collaborative session focused on Innovations to Serve Hardly Reached Communities featuring Dr. David Goodman-Meza, Luckie Alexander, and Alejandra Aguilar-Avelino held on Tuesday, March 15, from 10-11:30 AM PST! This session discussed strategies and approaches to ensure hardly reached communities at high risk for HIV receive the services they need to thrive, including individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals with problematic substance use, transmasculine individuals, and more.

Strategies and Best Practices for Mobile Service Delivery – Slides

Panel discussion by Jorge A. Diaz (Bienestar Human Services), Charilyn Quarto, Robert Arnold, Doston Ganiyev (San Francisco Community Health Center), Brett J. Feldman (Keck School of Medicine of USC) part of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Regional Learning Collaborative session 5. The presentation discussed how mobile health units can help bring critical services directly to communities in need. This session discusses recommended strategies and best practices for mobile HIV service delivery from expert panelists implementing mobile health services in California.

Strategies and Best Practices for Mobile Service Delivery – Flyer

Flyer for session 5 of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Regional Learning Collaborative entitled “Strategies and Best Practices for Mobile Service Delivery” on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 from 10-11:30 a.m. PST Join this session to learn about recommended strategies and best practices for mobile HIV service delivery from expert panelists implementing mobile health services in California.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development: We Cannot end the HIV Epidemic in the United States without Housing. – Slides

Oral presentation by Benjamin Ayers, US Department of Housing and Urban Development at the CHIPTS Regional Response to End the HIV Epidemic in California meeting in 2020 that describes the department’s consolidated plan to develop a framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities and to design an assessment for affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions.