Long-acting injectable CAB vs. daily oral TDF/FTC for PrEP among MSM and TGW – Slides

Oral presentation by Raphael J. Landovitz at the HPTN Annual Meeting in May 2021. The presentation provided a rapid overview of the HPTN 083 study, the study describes the CAB as the first long-acting injectable agent to demonstrate robust HIV prevention efficacy. The result of this study shows that The PrEP regimen containing CAB-LA was superior to a daily oral regimen of TDF/FTC.

Preparing for long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy for HIV in Los Angeles – Preliminary Findings Report

CHIPTS conducted a formative study to provide the groundwork to support successful implementation of LAI ART in Los Angeles County. The aims of this study were to strengthen and develop partnerships and build capacity in partners to support research on implementation of LAI ART as part of a strategy to optimize viral suppression in Los Angeles County; To assess the policy, systems, financial, operational and clinical level barriers to and facilitators of the rollout and scale-up of LAI ART in Los Angeles County; and to assess the end-user (consumer) perceived barriers to and facilitators of LAI ART use in Los Angeles County. This report summarizes the preliminary study findings and recommendations to inform efforts to prepare for implementation of LAI ART in Los Angeles County.

Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender Women, Black and Latina Cisgender Women, and Persons Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles County – Summary Report

This report summarizes the preliminary findings and next steps emerging from the “Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender Women, Black and Latina Cisgender Women, and Persons Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles County” community consultation. The report includes a description of the study procedures, preliminary results, and recommendations for future implementation.

A Community’s Guide to Self-Care- Version 2

This infographic by the COVID-19 Racism and Equity Taskforce at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health provides information on basic care, community care, and political care as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Community’s Guide to Self-Care – Version 1

This infographic by the COVID-19 Racism and Equity Taskforce at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health provides information on basic care, community care, and political care as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Technology-Based PrEP Delivery and Retention Services for Black and Latino MSM, Black and Latina Transgender and Cisgender Women, and Persons who Inject Drugs in LA County – Slides

The purpose of this conference is to Introduce attendees to the variety of mobile technology products available to support PrEP delivery and maintenance. Conduct breakout sessions to explore how community-based organizations, clinics and other agencies might implement digital technologies (e.g., mobile applications, telehealth, text messaging services) to support PrEP uptake and maintenance among high-risk populations in LA County

2019 Annual Commission Meeting – Slides

Slide presentations by commissioners of the LA County Commission on HIV that discuss new and current funding, proposals, efforts, frameworks, directions, and timelines aimed at Ending the HIV Epidemic. The commission meeting allows guests and the public into a space where people of all opinions and backgrounds are able to contribute. The meeting strives to be introspective and understand and clarify our assumptions, while appreciating the complex intersectionality of the lives we live.