This TLC facilitator manual aims to employ problem-solving to make a decision about telling someone of their positive status and be able to tell someone that they are HIV positive.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to examine youths values about taking medication, talk to their doctors about taking medication, and keeping and taking medication correctly.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths select the contraceptive and protection methods which are best for them, learn how to use male and female condoms, and select the sexual acts which both protect them and give them pleasure.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify the pros and cons of telling their sexual partners that they are HIV positive, help them make a decision about whether to tell their sexual partners that they are HIV positive, and have them explore the ethical issues in telling a partner.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths explore the pros and cons of refusing unprotected sex, identify and confront the ethical decisions in refusing unprotected sex, and practice how to refuse unprotected sex.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to record youths progress on reducing, maintaining, or stopping drug and alcohol use. This manual also aims to have youths learn ways to express anger constructively and identify and reduce anxiety.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to provide youths with an understanding of the linkages between the quality of their lives and living each moment without separation from their daily experiences. The manual also aims to have youths discover the feelings involved in the present moment, so that they can identify triggers for substance use or other destructive behaviors prior to engaging in them.
This TLC facilitator manual aims to provide youths with an understanding of what is “real” is what they experience directly and increase their experience of what is “real” in their lives. The manual also aims to have youths describe how they are connected to the events, people, and objects in their lives.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths advance his/her drug and alcohol monitoring skills, increase skills for protecting him/herself and others from HIV reinfection or other STD infection, and be able to indicate which sexual acts provide the most protection.
CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 11: Making Sexual Decisions: Can I Influence My Partner To Use Condoms? (1.5 hrs)
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths identify the barriers and problems in trying to get partners to accept condoms in the relationship, practice how to negotiate condom use with his/her partners, and report increased self-efficacy for talking to partners about condom use.