The Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) is a collaboration of researchers from UCLA, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Friends ResearchInstitute, and the RAND Corporation working with the broader Los Angeles community toward a common goal: to enhance our collective understanding of HIV research and to promote early detection, as well as effective prevention and treatment programs for HIV. Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, CHIPTS serves as a bridge among researchers, government, service providers, and people with HIV in responding to the changes in the HIV epidemic and in shaping sound public policy
The Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) is a collaboration of researchers from UCLA, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Friends ResearchInstitute, and the RAND Corporation working with the broader Los Angeles community toward a common goal: to enhance our collective understanding of HIV research and to promote early detection, as well as effective prevention and treatment programs for HIV. Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, CHIPTS serves as a bridge among researchers, government, service providers, and people with HIV in responding to the changes in the HIV epidemic and in shaping sound public policy
Abstract submission and registration are now open for the CHIPTS HIV Next Generation Conference on Friday, December 2, 2022. The conference is free to attend and will be virtual. The goal of this conference is to support the next generation of HIV researchers, HIV prevention and treatment practitioners, and service providers working towards an end to HIV/AIDS through networking and sharing visions for future priorities.
HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 083 is a randomized, active-controlled, double-blind clinical trial that began in December 2016. The study has compared the safety and efficacy of two drugs for use as PrEP among a population at increased risk of HIV infection.
CHIPTS conducted a formative study to provide the groundwork to support successful implementation of LAI ART in Los Angeles County. The aims of this study were to strengthen and develop partnerships and build capacity in partners to support research on implementation of LAI ART as part of a strategy to optimize viral suppression in Los Angeles County; To assess the policy, systems, financial, operational and clinical level barriers to and facilitators of the rollout and scale-up of LAI ART in Los Angeles County; and to assess the end-user (consumer) perceived barriers to and facilitators of LAI ART use in Los Angeles County. This report summarizes the preliminary study findings and recommendations to inform efforts to prepare for implementation of LAI ART in Los Angeles County.